← Eek!Cards #78: Living La Aqua Velva | The Most Valuable Employee →
Howdy, friendly reading person!Soon in this space (I’m shooting for tomorrow) you’ll find a script for a sketch idea I had a while back.
Now, if you’ve been following along for the past few months, you may rightly ask yourself:
A sketch script? I thought we were done with those, surely. I made it through the classes. I survived the Ruckus last year, the RISD course and even Deli Juices, for crissakes. What the hell is this nonsense for, now?
You may rightly ask yourself that. You may also be a bit of a snarky asshole, but I love you, anyway. So I’ll tell you.
This nonsense — and plenty more of it, believe you me — is in support of a new sketch comedy group I’ve hooked up with. The name is SketchBalls!, and we’re not just writing comedy — nay, nor merely performing it.
That’s right. We’re taping it. And blatting it out onto the interwebs to annoy anyone who’s ever heard of anyone remotely involved. Starting with the trailer. Because that’s a thing people do when they’re all serious about shit like this, apparently.
I’d say “stay tuned for more”, but let’s face it. I’ll link to pretty much anything we do the femtosecond it comes out, so you’ll be among the first to know. Perhaps also the last. But definitely among the first.
In the meantime, we’re writing and tweaking and shooting some stuff. Maybe the piece tomorrow will show up on a screen some day soon. Maybe your screen. Maybe it’ll get cut in rehearsal, or morphed into a black-and-white kabuki theater adaptation of One Day at a Time. Who knows? Anyway, SketchBalls. Have a gander. It’s gonna be a hoot.
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