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Howdy, friendly reading person!So, me and Andy go way back, blogging-wise. August of last year, maybe. Perhaps even July.
I had only been blogging for a month or two, and Andy even less, I think. We were both on Blogger at the time. I still am, as a matter of fact. But Andy… well, he’s moved on to bigger and better software.
(Or perhaps bellsier and whistlier. I can’t really say.
No, really. ‘Bellsier‘. I’m not sure I can say it, physically, at all. My tongue just doesn’t move that way.)
Anyway, I was curious to see what the extra freedom would do for Andy, what new content he’d concoct, which new features he’d create. And I didn’t have to wait long. Hoo boy, no I didn’t.
For you see, folks, our dear boy Andy has decreed the month just started to be Facial Hair February. He’ll be keeping a running log of his progress, with daily ‘State of the Face‘ posts.
(At least, he’d damned well better call them that, unless he can think of something better. That’s pure comedy bronze, folks!)
Apparently, young Andy‘s not the fastest hair grower on the face (heh!) of the planet. Two days in, and I’m afraid he’s got little to show for his efforts. Or lack of efforts in the form of shaving. Whatever.
Look, the point is that you should go check it out. Partly because he’s a good guy, and deserves your attention. Partly because this is one of the few things I’ve seen out there in the blogosphere that outweirds some of the shit that I’ve done. But mainly to suggest to our dear friend a better name for his little experiment.
(Personally, I’m in favor of ‘When Hairy Met Andy‘. It makes me giggle. But that’s just me. Go tell him your idea, too — maybe he’ll have a contest or something. The winner could get a lock of beard, if he manages to grow one in the next twenty-six and a half days.
Ooh, ooh, and the booby prize could be his ‘soul patch’!
Um… yeah. You know, that’s one of those sentences where there seem to be a lot of good words floating around, but in the order I put ’em, they just sound creepy. I think it’s time we left that little incident behind us.)
So, anyway, go check out the ‘Facial Hair February‘ extravaganza over at Walking Stick. (There’s even a cool little icon that I just might have to find room for over here.) And tell Andy I sent ya.
(Just don’t tell him I said he doesn’t have any hair yet. He’s very proud of his fledgeling stubble, from what I understand.
Enjoy it while it lasts, Andy, old boy — soon enough, you’ll be growin’ that shit way too fast in places you don’t even want to dream about. Places they don’t make trimmers or waxes for, either. Fear the hair, baby. Fear it!)
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You got anything on farts? I could pee my pants on such material. Wanna make something up for me? Great stuff – Keep it up!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Man Charlie, I really owe you one now. Here I was kinda hoping for a link and a few sentences. I guess I should have known better.
“When Hairy Met Andy” is a fantastic title, and I’ll do my best to work it in, but unfortunately I am not the originator of Facial Hair February, and therefore I don’t think I have the creative licence to change the name. Perhaps that’s what I’ll call my version of the project.
“State of the Face.” Ok, I’ll admit, I nearly lost it when I read that. That will definitely make its way into this ‘project.’
Finally, I’d like to say that it’s ok to mock my lack of hair growing skizills. (The cool police should be here any second now.) Why, that’s how I was intending to drum up hits.
Anyway, thanks for the pimpage (ooh, now there’s a phrase that should be used carefully).
andy, listen to charlie about hair growth. hair really DOES grow in places you don’t want. but charlie IS wrong about there not being trimmers or waxes. there’s this one little old chinese lady around here who will wax ANYWHERE … er, so i’ve heard.
Andy shoulda waited until March – 2 more days.
Not even sure how I got here…cant seem to sift through the heavy haze that is “beer”. Anyways, I can read and laugh only so long, at which point I must give credit where it is due for a very entertaining site. So credit is now yours. You may do with it what you will. (my personal favorite thing to do with credit is to ruin it…but you do what you want)
I would like to see something on Women and Facial Hair. We go through an awful lot to avoid being the focus of someone’s stand-up routine…I mean to feel good about ourselves. We do it for ourselves, yeah…