← Hell, Now It Even Looks Like Christmas, Dammit! | Hey, Where’d the Kegs Go, Dammit? →
Howdy, friendly reading person!Hey, peeps.
I just got back from a show at the Comedy Studio — my third show in five days, and fourth since last Wednesday. And I’m pooped. Run down. Ass-draggedy.
So, I’m goin’ to bed. Don’t hate me because I’m sleepy-eyed and drooly.
I feel bad about leaving you folks in the lurch, though — where ‘in the lurch’ means ‘without ridiculous, sweary nonsense’. Not that it sounds particularly lurchy when you put it that way, but you know what I mean. Now is not the time to split hairs, people.
So, I promise to be back soon with the usual brand of bullshit to which you’re accustomed aroud here. Right now, the smartass is willing, but the brain is addled, and quickly distracted.
(Yeah, yeah, I hear you bastards — ‘So what else is new?‘
This is different, dammit. I’d be even more topicless than usual, if such a thing is possible without an eggbeater-assisted home lobotomy. Truly. I’m just that tired.)
The good news — depending on what kind of twisted ruler you use to measure goodness, I suppose — is that I’ve already got a couple of ideas brewing for new posts. Plus — plus, I say; plus! — two more comedy clips, coming soon, to augment the Saturday show that I managed to get up earlier this week.
(Whew! What a veritable bevy of features that is, eh? You don’t get this kind of shit with those ‘pundity’ crap-ass blogs, you know. This is serious shit here; I’m not fuckin’ around.)
All right, so let’s wrap this puppy up, so we can get on our jammies and get some rest. Tune in tomorrow for real content here, folks — for now, all you’ll get is contented snores and a big, drooly pillow. Which might turn a few of you on. Get over it, already. I’m sleeping over here. Catch you cats manana — nighty night.
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You may not think so, but I say, pooped, and sss-draggedy, not to mention drooly and eggbeater-assisted home lobotomy, is all pure comedy!
Lois Lane
P.S.Thanks for the linkage!
Snoozarama. Can I play? I was pleasantly surprised to see myself on your blogroll. I thank you kindly!