← Spreading the Blather All Over the Blogosphere | Is It Fricking Tomorrow Yet? →
Howdy, friendly reading person!Hey, all — just a short note to let you know that the King of the Blogs competition is under way again, after some sniping and griping and general tomfoolery the last go-round. The judging and scoring and such for the first week of the competition will happen over the next few days; in the meantime, if you’re interested, you can check out my humble entry for this week.
And yes, you regular readers, it just might look somewhat familiar, which is why I’ve linked it off the main page, rather than bore you with this particular window into my blackened, wretched soul again.
(Hush up, Amber. Shhh, shhhh, and shush! I’ve got no control over which questions they ask!
Just be cool, all right?)
Anyway, check it out — and go see all (well, okay, most) of the others’ contributions, too. I’ll be interested to see whether another snarkfest breaks out, but for now, Nick seems to have things pretty well in hand.
While I’m here, I’ll also take the opportunity to list my Blogger Idol ‘Picks o’ the Week’. This week’s topic was ‘A Day in the Life of…‘, and it spawned some very interesting posts, including these:
(As always, click the image for a list of all of this week’s Idol posts. It’s a veritable grab bag of goodness, folks!)
And again, if you haven’t read it yet, feel free to peruse my submission, about a day in the life of a professional comic. Oh, the places we’ll go!
So, anyway, that’s about it for now. Right now, there’s a big burly dude in my basement, fixing my dryer.
(Yeah, you know what? That is so not a euphemism. Ick.)
But I’ll be back sometime later — either before or after my Emerald Isle show tonight — to bring you… um, well, the sort of crap I always bring you. I’ve got nothing in mind yet — I’ll just pull something out of my ass and see what sticks.
(Eep! Note to self: when mixing metaphors, try and avoid beginning with those that contain the words ‘ass‘ or ‘stick‘ Yeeks.)
Okay, that’s it for now. I’m gonna go see how the dryer’s doing. The guy better work his magic on that thing today — I’m down to my last pair of clean undies, folks. If he can’t resurrect the thing, we may have something involving ‘ass‘ and ‘sticking‘ around here, after all. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.
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I’m sure you will, but let us know when tonight’s set is posted!