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Howdy, friendly reading person!Ugh.
If there’s anything worse than working on a Sunday, it’s working on a Sunday from home, talking to a computer on the other end that’s slower than a grandma striptease. I’m deleting a bunch of files, so I can rebuild them (for about the thirty-second time), and it’s taking forever. I don’t know what the hell is happening with that machine, but it’s pure molasses right now. I think I could get the job done faster by driving to the damned office and yanking wires out of the thing myself.
In other news, it’s just about time for some microwave burritos. The wife and I try to eat reasonably well — and with at least marginal nutrition — during the week, but on the weekends, all bets are usually off. Pizzas get ordered, TV dinners get heated, and burritos — tasty, slimy, chewy burritos — get nuked and gobbled up. Usually with salsa — it masks the plasticy taste, though of course, there’s nothing to be done about the rubberyness.
(Yes, I just used ‘rubberyness’ in a sentence. This is either the pinnacle of my career, or my lowest point. It’s a little like both parties would feel if Anna Nicole ever went on the Jerry Springer show, I imagine.
‘Rubberyness’. Sheesh.)
In happier news, I see that another of those mouth-breathing rat bastard comment spammers is at it again, and that MT-Blacklist is putting the bullshitting assbagger in his place.
(Or ‘her place’, but I’m pretty sure this particular type of torment is usually fed to us by the male gender. Just like a damned man, eh, ladies?)
I did have to clean up 20 or so comments this morning from this cluetard, but I look at it this way — it took me about a minute and a half to wipe all memory of the porkstuffer from the site. Judging by the timestamps on the comments, the first batch of twnety (which got through) came in over the course of an hour or so, and the second batch of about twenty (which all got blocked) took another hour. Even if the douchebag has some automated system for sending these things, it’s still taking far less time to swat him away than it took him to add me to his ‘List of People to Annoy the Piss Out Of’.
And best of all, none of his comments stayed long enough to get indexed by any search engines — which is all he wants, really — so whatever time he spent littering here was completely and utterly wasted. Sure, I don’t have anything physical to show for my time, either — but I do have this nifty sense of smugness over thwarting another jerkwad trying to use my blog for his own perverted purposes.
And on a lazy Sunday like this one, that’s just about all I need. Happy weekend, everybody!
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Rubberyness, cluetard and porkstuffer….brilliant. This is why I continue to read.
Mmmmm….I wanna burritto…..
Have a happy Monday!!!
AAAh Jeremy, you are not happy today. What is wrong Jeremy are Cyber People making you all crazy. Oh, Jeremy… I love to read all your exciting words…..it keeps me sitting on the edge of my seat Jeremy. One word at a time Jeremy, one word at a time…. keeps the people laughing. Have a better day Jeremy. he he he he.
I feel your pain. I spent 7 hours on a beautiful Sunday afternoon a few weeks laboriously copying and editing data from an old UNIX server to a new one.
This would have been easier had the old UNIX server not 1) been running at 10/half 2) been 2000 miles away.
I was getting some glorious transfer rates, interspersed with period pauses of 15-30 seconds.
I love my job.