(Ed Note: This is an archived 'about' page, written in late 2003 and thoroughly out of date. Please see instead the current About Charlie and Where the Hell Was I? page. Thankies.)
This blog came into the world, crying and kicking, on June 17th, 2003. I was sitting at my desk at home -- where I'm am right now, as a matter of fact -- avoiding going into the office to face the workday. The first post was born at 10:23am, if that tells you how good a job I was doing in my avoidance. Within a month, I was laid off. (Oddly enough, not for being chronically late. Or apathetic. Or even for using company resources to write pointless drivel on a faraway web site.)
But the blog continues to live, and grow, and blossom. (And it's starting to grow hair in some really weird places. I think it's a hormonal thing of some kind. Just try not to mention it. Blogs can be very sensitive.)
A lot has happened in the four-plus months since then. (Though I'm still avoiding work, as if the timestamp on this entry doesn't tell you that.)
The name of the blog changed in it's first hour of infancy.
(The original name was the 'Sitdown Standup Experience'; read the very first post for the explanation. And remember the name; it might be a trivia question someday if anybody ever reads this crap.)
After a while, I ditched the stock Blogger template I was using and found a more unique look.
(Though people now tell me this looks like Wil Wheaton's site. Eh. Could be worse. Fuck it.)
I spammed a lot of blog directories, begging people to come take a look at the loony dickhead in the glass cage.
(A proverbial 'glass cage', of course. Actually, I live in a very nice plastic kennel. If only 'loony' and 'dickhead' could be proverbial, too... *sigh*)
I composed my 100th post a while back, soon after completing my 100 Things Posts About Me. And I recently welcomed my 5000th visitor to the site.
(And mom said I'd never amount to anything -- sheesh!)
'But,' I hear you saying, 'what's it all mean? What's this place about, anyway?' Well, I'm glad you asked. (You could have asked more nicely, of course, but at least you asked. A rude, demanding question beats no question any day.) So, I'll tell you about the ground rules I've laid out here for myself:
(That's the best, man. Every time somebody reads this stuff and nostril-showers their desk or laughs out loud while the boss is listening, I get a little tingle. Not that kind of tingle, but still -- a tingle. I just have to hope it's not me doing it next. With all the work I'm putting off, I'm hangin' on by a damned thread as it is. Yikes!)