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If you're reading this, then you've reached the new home of Where the Hell Was I?. Welcome. Have yourself a snort of that 'new server smell'.
Many things have changed around here with this update -- a beefier machine, updated software, new features, and an overhauled design. Clearly, no one but me cares about most of the details -- but I will point out a couple of new perks you may find helpful.
In the 'Check It Out Now!' Department:
"You can't make me turn the site fuchsia or stop using words like 'douchepoodle', but apart from that, it's all fair game."
I've also got a big honking list of other unfinished cosmetic and functional improvements to make, but it's time for the new edition to see the light of day, so here it is. Take a few minutes to explore -- there aren't a lot of new features (yet!), but maybe you'll find something you hadn't seen before. There're plenty of musty old rants, diatribes, and ill-conceived mutterings that have been unearthed in this move. Why should I be the only one scarred by re-reading them?
Also, I'd love to hear what you think about the new place. Let me know what you like or don't, what looks wonky, suggestions for features or improvements, problems with the site, or anything else, really. You can't make me turn the site fuchsia or stop using words like 'douchepoodle', but apart from that, it's all fair game. Your wish is... well, something that will be taken under careful advisement, at the very least. That's more than you'll get at most places these days.
That's all for now; it's time for a rest from the heavy construction work before the fine-tuning and jibberish-flinging begin. Hope you like the new digs, and -- hey! What, have you been walking around the whole time in those filthy shoes? This carpet is brand new! Jeez, there's always one.
Wow, what an improvement. And I can actually see your standup. AND your face! Cool!
I like it...the site that is. Not that your face isn't okay..er.
Anyway, nice site!
*takes foot out of mouth*
"I think I may have licked the delivery guy's hand when he passed it over; it's all a blur, and I can't be held responsible for the actions of my tongue when I'm hungry!"
Oh man, I'm at work, wearing a brand new stylish shirt, sipping an ice cold diet pepsi and when I read that it made pop come out my nose! Now my shirt has a stain and my boss wants to know what the heck I am doing. Thanks a lot!
's great!
Admittedly, this time I seem to have lost the Google ads altogether, but aside from the fact that you won't be making any money off me, that's not something to grieve over.
I love it! I'm especially pleased to see the categories. I'm almost through "Potty Talk / Yes, I'm A Pig"!