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Normally, I might apologize for posting a really short entry. But this is St. Patrick's Day -- on a Friday, too, for the love of redheads and potatoes and liquored-up coffee! And if I know my readers, most of them won't be sobered up enough to read anything again until at least Monday. And I've got Guinness in the fridge awaiting my attention, so I'm mailing one in here. It happens.
So feel free to take the night off, too, and spend it celebrating the patron saint of leprechaun keggers everywhere.
(Which pretty much makes Saint Patrick the coolest saint of all, next to... well, Saint Pauli, naturally.
"Until the Catholics come up with a patron saint of bikini car washes, Pauli's the man."
I mean, Pauli's got booze and girls. With pigtails! And lederhosen! That's a tough combo to beat. Until the Catholics come up with a patron saint of bikini car washes, Pauli's the man.)
You kids have fun tonight. I'll see you on the other side. Cheers.