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Is there anything (this side of UPN, anyway) that's quite as exquisitely nauseating as farting -- 'in anger', if you know what I'm saying -- while you're brushing your teeth? One minute, you're all 'ooh, ooh, minty fresh and clean!', and the next, it's 'holy air biscuits, Batman -- whose ass is in my mouth?!'
Christ, I almost fainted right into the bathtub. I hate getting up early, dammit -- can I go back to bed now, and have a 'do-over' in a couple of hours? Meh.
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Reason #28,242 Why I Hate Mornings:
» Doing Woman's Work Makes Me Thing of Boys... from The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Person
And then, there’s Charlie at Where the Hell Was I? who is King of the Tangential Rant. Anyone who calls the executives at CBS a bunch of “asshammers” is pretty OK in my books. Check him out; you won’t be disappointed. [Read More]
Oh Lordhavemercy! we have another Kat on our hands!!
Just surfed over from Idle Thoughts and thought I'd say hi!
dude, I just had a spit take over your little minty fresh gem. Now my moniter is all gross. Mornings suck.