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Hi there.
For now, this is just a quick note to apologize to any of you who've had trouble getting to the site -- or most of it -- this morning. It seems BlogRolling is on the fritz today, and since I use their service for the 'Proud Moments' section over on the left sidebar, nothing past that point on the page would load. I'm not sure whether that makes them the douchebag for screwing it up, or me the douchebag for relying on them, but it's quasi-fixed now.
(Of course, the fix was to disable that feature, so I'm also fresh out of 'Proud Moments', until it's fixed on their end. How will my fragile ego manage?)
Anyway, I'm a bit pressed for time just at he moment, but later today, I'll be posting an embarrassing, assheaded tale in which I most certainly am the douchebag. It happened yesterday, and I could have died!
No, literally -- I'm not being teeny-bopper dramatic here. I could've died. Of hypothermia. You'll see.
So stay tuned for that -- and in the meantime, ignore the fact that there are no longer any moments here of which to be proud. But really, folks -- were there ever?