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Holy slippery trouser monkeys, Batman -- it is good to have this week over with.
There has been way too much work and far too little sleep in the past five days, but that's all over with for a while. I'm taking it easy until Monday. Hell, I may not get out of bed until Monday. And I don't mean early Monday morning, either -- we're talkin' about ten, ten-thirty at the earliest. Or maybe I'll mosey in around lunchtime. Or two, or Wednesday, whatever. I'll hit the workplace just as soon as I feel rested again. How does June sound? That good for you, boss?
Anyway, don't worry -- I'll be back tomorrow with something more for you.
Or do worry, if that's the sort of thing that makes you shiver in fear like a wee little girl. Which it just might, if you knew that I'm thinking of writing about a topic I like to call 'fortune melons'.
Okay, I don't like to call it that, really. But that's what I decided it's called. Now I just have to figure out what the hell it means. It's gonna be a long weekend, after all. Dammit, a blogger's work is never done. See you tomorrow, folks!
Oh, and P.S. -- if any of you decide you're interested in checking out Breedster, drop me a comment or email. I've got two eggs ready to go and just itching to pupate.
Uh, virtually speaking, of course. Don't take that sort of thing literally -- I'm pretty sure that's how rumors get started. Ick.
I don't have a clue what brewster is but I havem't gotten any email since thursday and I 'm getting a bit nervous.
The only way I would get away with a weekend in bed is if I was dead.