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Deal with it, man -- there's a lot of shit going on around here these days, and I would just burst if I didn't tell you about it.
No, really. Burstage. I would be so burstated. No question. Total burstitality. Dude. No lie.
All right, let's get this over with, all right? I don't like this semi-serious crap any more than you do, so I'll try to keep it short. Here goes:
First, an update on the interview questions that I mentioned in my last 'blog housekeeping' post. Here's the tally so far:
Those With Honor (who have posted their answers):
Jon of Quality Control: answers here
Joe of Play By Play: answers here
Natalie of Natalieville: answers here
Mark of R80o: answers here
Marti of Marti's Blog: answers here
Erin of Chix Mix: answers here
Faith of Faith Wild: answers here
Rae of A Likely Story: answers here
Dinky of Dinky's Docket: answers here
Susan of Third Daughter: answers here
Amber of Learn to Speak Ebenese: answers here
JavaJenn of Mommy Needs Coffee: answers here
Those With Less Honor So Far (who've had the questions for days now, but haven't yet answered):
Eka of SnazzyKat
nv of Advanced Maternal Age
Cometgrrrl of Adventures of Cometgrrrl and Comet
So, if you see any of the first group of people, give 'em a pat on the back and a hearty 'Well done!' for slogging through such oddball bizarre questions. And if you see any of the people in the second group, particularly if they're spending leisure time doing something else -- like shopping, or writing something else, or breathing, dammit -- tell 'em to get the hell on the ball and get those questions addressed already! I spent a lot of time making those questions difficult and painful, and I wanna see them answered! I'm not just interviewing people for my health, you know.
(Right, like I know how to post a 'short comment' on anything, much less myself. That's like telling those Lord of the Rings people to make a 'short movie'. Not likely. Anyway, here's the list:
Anyway, two quick notes about the actual content here on this site. (What? Actually alerting us to real content? The hell you say!)
First, the clip of my 'mini-set' at the All Asia Cafe on Sunday night is online. It's old material, and a really short clip, but hey -- if you haven't seen it, it's new to you, right? Where's the love, folks?
The other thing, about which I'm particularly proud -- is that I finally got off my ass and installed a tagline rotator. There are about fifty of my favorite taglines from this list (plus a couple of new ones) in the hat, and a new one gets plucked out each time you reload the page. So, if you don't like the little snippet of text underneath the blog title right now, just refresh it until you get one you can stomach. Or until you've seen 'em all six times each, and give up in disgust. Eight of one, half dozen of the other, dude.
So, that's it -- thank you kindly for suffering through another of these periodic 'informational' posts. I'll be back later today with your regularly-scheduled yuk-yuks, as soon as I can think of something funny to tell you. (Or until I make up random ridiculous shit, and hope you snicker at it, even out of pity. I'm not picky here, folks.) And in the meantime, you'll hopefully get some mileage out of the links above. There's some good shit out there, folks. Come back later, and I'll try to be good, too. Peace out!
me again. i've been reading through all of the answers that others have givento your questions and the answers people have given for theirs and on and on. this stuff is sooooo addictive. it's now 9.40pm in here in oz and i haven't had my dinner yet... i'm hoping my brain will have the power to come up with questions as good as yours if anybody does take the challenge from my wee bloggy... thanks for the new obsession...
my turn to stamp my feet and chuck a little hissy fit... *sulk* i referred to the interview and linked to your site! *sniff* a nod in this direction would be appreciated! *raspberry* anyway, my honour can now be restored. my answers have been posted.