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Hey, all -- I'll have some actual material-type stuff for you later, but for now, I wanted to tell you three very important blog-related things:
1. After six weeks or more of absence, Shampoo Solo has made her triumphant return.
(Well, her return, anyway... but if 'that's right, motherfuckers, i'm back.' isn't triumphant, then I don't know what the hell is.)
So go -- read her new post, dig through her archives, and bask in the warm fuzzy glow of her highlights. Go. Go now. I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
B. This blog is -- thanks to you wonderful folks -- X comments shy of 200. And no, I won't tell you exactly what 'X' is, for fear that you'll get there, and stop commenting. I'll only tell you that it's... um, less than 100. And I just figured out this morning that the 100th comment was left by Psycho Dad. So a belated 'Thanks!' to PD, and good luck to any of you out there who care enough to try to be number 200.
(And hey, if you miss that, there's always 250, or 300, or 500... if you keep thinking of things to say, I'll find a way to thank you eventually. Hang in there, troopers.)
III. Be on the lookout -- by Christmas, hopefully -- for my Weblog Review review. After several weeks in the queue, I'm up to 17th on the list of sites ready to go through the wringer. I have no idea what their holiday schedule will look like, but I'm hoping that I'll get a nice, big positive review as a Christmas present.
(Or a Chanukah treat, or a Kwaanza surprise, or whatever combination of holiday name and good thing floats your particular boat. Knock yourselves out.)
Oooh, speaking of the holidays, I've got a bonus tidbit to share -- over the past couple of days, I've set up an Amazon wish list. I'd like to link to it from here, but I'll probably wait until January to do so. I wouldn't want you to think I'm fishing for goodies here; I just think it's an interesting thing to do. So look for that, sometime after New Years'.
That's it for now -- go check out the 'poo, get in on the comment action, and keep an eye on the Weblog Review. And as an added-added bonus, if you're good -- and she picks my story -- I'll even tell you when my short story's reviewed by the Fiction Bitch. So you'll have yet another way to snicker at me. Stay tuned for that.
Hey, that's five useless tidbits for the price of three! Damn, are you people lucky. Don't say I never gave you extra crap, now, you got it?
Man, it takes so little to encourage me...
Tanya (and everyone else), my wishlist is now up, under the 'Me Things' section.
Which proves once again that I'm only here for you guys... your wish is my list... or um, my list is your command? If wishes were lists, I'd... um, uh, never mind. I'm all dizzy now. I think I'll go lie down.
You should be ashamed of yourself, fishing for comments like that, jeez whats this world coming to? and why didn't I think of it?