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It's not the blog that gets you. It's the humidity.
Hey, all -- just a short note this time.
(I think I'll have an entry ready for you tonight. I'm mixing the chemicals now, so if I can manage not to blow myself up, the concoction should have cooled enough to post by this evening. It's the last drop of vitriol that tends to turn things rather explosive, but I think I have it under control. So stay tuned for that.)
Anyway, I wanted to send a big honkin' 'Thank You' out to Hilatron over at Blogatron, who selected my submission for her first blogcation entry! Yay, Hilatron!
Now, my entry over there is the same sort of crap that I post here just about every day, and she's on vacation for a week, so I'll have to give you different instructions depending on what you're used to. If you've:
Oh, and yes, Hilatron, you got it right; I am a guy. I had no idea that this stuff was gender-neutral enough to possibly pass as being from a girl.
(An angry, disturbed, sometimes-pantsless girl, but still, a girl.)
I suppose that's a good thing. Maybe I'm closer to Universal Truths™ than I thought. Woo hoo!