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Hey, everybody. Okay, now -- file in orderly. Take a seat up front, don't be shy. Fill in the middle of the rows first. Get comfy. It's time for another 'State of the Blog' address. Okay, is everyone seated? Good. Let's get started.
Ahem. First, I'd like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend. I'm sorry I couldn't provide any snacks, or booze, or... you know, chairs or anything. There's really not much of a budget for this sort of thing. Maybe one day I'll at least be able to heat the garage... er, meeting room. In the meantime, I wouldn't let any exposed skin touch the floor. It's been freezing all week, so there's a good chance you'll stick, and leave a little part of yourself here with me.
(In addition to your IP address and domain name, of course -- I always keep those. I've even started a trophy case -- you'd like it. It's very tastefully done.)
So, let's get down to bidness. First, I'd like to thank and congratulate the fantabulous fan -- or critic; I probably should have asked -- who stopped by to deliver the blog's 10,000th visitor!
(And yes, I know that's just an average day for some blogs. And that those 10,000 'visitors' really represent repeat trips from, like, nine people, plus a bunch of misguided Google searches. And that my hits alone account for ninety percent of the total.
Nah, I'm kidding. I filter out all my own hits. And it's more like Googlers and three people. But I digress.)
Anyway, I can't thank all 10,000 people who came here (looking for 'Stripperella naked' or 'jiggly tasticles', or simply 'hell'). But I can thank 10 of you, and that's what I'm going to do -- here are ten people who've really made a difference around here. And in no particular order, just so's you people don't get in a big slappy tickle fight over where you rank. Really, there's plenty of you folks to go around.
(On the other hand, if you want to get in a slappy tickle fight... hey, go right ahead. Just make it sexy, and send me the pictures. Rub on oil on yourselves or something. You know, put some effort into it. That's all I ask. Anyway, here's the list.
Oh, and if you're not included, please know that it's not from a lack of gratitude. Really, I 'wuv' you all, as the teenyboppers say, but there's just not enough space to acknowledge everyone. Plus, I'd still forget someone, and they'd either fall asleep during this, or get pissed at me, so I'm not gonna put you through that. And if I missed you... well, I'll get you next time. Kisses, now!)
So, back to the agenda. Let's talk milestones -- look, I'll only do this once, and then it'll be done. I gotta get this out of my system. As I mentioned, today the blog received its 10,000th visitor, courtesy of Sabrina. Cool. The blog is also coming up on its half-year anniversary -- it's actually on the 17th, six long months after the post that started it all. Reading it again, I see that not much has changed. I haven't gotten any better, or nicer. I space my parentheses a little differently. That's about it. Progress, schmogress. Poop on that.
Also, I'll remind you that the WizBang Blog Awards 2003 are still going on -- until the 15th, I think. (Hey, I should also thank Kevin over there for putting it all together, and -- again -- Buzz for nominating me for Best Humor Blog; lots of great new people have come over from there, and I'm muy grateful.) So get over there and vote -- if not for me, then for your favorites in all the categories. Or find a new read, and vote for it. Don't just sit there, dammit! This thing's not gonna be open forever; don't you want something to tell the grandkids someday?
Finally -- hey, wake up! It's almost time to go -- keep an eye out for my Weblog Review treatment, probably coming over the weekend sometime. I'm currently second in line for a review -- that's next to next! -- so keep your fingers crossed for me to get a kind reviewer. With a good sense of humor. Who likes ridiculous drivel and snarky jokes about asshats. And... yeah, I really don't have a prayer, do I? I'm never gonna do as well as the last guy -- Mark, over at R80o, who was treated very nicely by the crack review team.
(Hey, and would you look at that! He's been on my blogroll for weeks, now. Maybe months! Hey, can I spot talent, or what? You go, Mark!)
So, that's it. Thanks for hanging in there. Hell, thanks for coming by at all. I hope to see all of you again, very soon. Now, if you would, kindly file out through the hallway, and we'll get you nice folks home tonight. Mind your step, and be sure to tip the valets. They're working hard out there. Drive safely!
Oh sure, leave the rest of us out. *grumble grumble* I am SO de-linking you now, smart boy.
bwhahaha Okay, I totally can't do that with a straight face.
You are by far one of the funniest damn reads I have come across in ages. I am getting blood shot eyes and losing sleep trying to catch up on archives, so if you can, would you keep it simple for a while until I catch up. Thanks, that would be great!
Wooo!! I may not have won, but I made the list!! Thanks a quintillion, dude. Right back atcha. I wish I had more time to read your blog, Charlie, 'cause what I *do* read pretty near makes me pee my pants every time. (In a good way.) I'm entirely jealous of your wife and if you and I *do* ever meet, I think she'll need to be there, just to be on the safe side. That's all I'm sayin'.
I've been loyally voting for you every day at Wizbang
You deserve to win, you make me laugh on a daily basis and that's no easy feat.