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Two things before I get all greased up and frothy today:
I also thought of participating in the meme that led to this honor, which goes something like this:
"The goal of this exercise is to identify nine other bloggers that you would like to meet for dinner/drinks. The only caveat is that these bloggers must be strangers -- you haven't met them before. State the blogger's name, a link to the blog, and why you would like him/her to be in attendance".
Plus, while I'd have no problem inviting 'fellow bloggers', I'd be tempted to omit a lot of bloggers who are actually 'fellows'. I mean, look at it -- if you were me, and could have dinner with the likes of Lucky, Shelley, Anna, Natalie, the 'poo, Monkey, Sundry, TJ, and Julia, among many others (like Amy, #Debi, Grins, Liz, Jenn, Deni, Rae, Chasmyn, and Suki, just for instance), wouldn't you really want to be the funniest, most intelligent guy in the room?
Because with guys like Brian, Bryan, R80o, Greg, Scott-san, GeekMan, Stu, Jer, and ScaryDuck around, that's clearly not gonna be the case. Not to mention B&B Man, Steve, Dinky, Jeff, Nef, Mark, TJ, CW, and the late (as in, 'not blogging', as opposed to 'not living'), great Buzz, just for starters. And... aw, poop.
I guess I did the damned meme, after all. Times four. And I still left lots of cool people out. Shit. See why I didn't want to get involved? I'd better get cooking, I suppose...
There are one or two 'placeholder posts' at the old Blogspot site, and a few that I started and deleted before they ever saw the light of day, of course. So this isn't post number 666, even -- that was the Zen Master bit, if you're really interested.
But let's not split hairs. When I post this, and go to the blog menu, I'll see 'Posts: 666' staring back at me. I don't know what that means, exactly, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Oh, and it's my father's birthday today, which I'm sure is completely coincidental. But you never know. So watch out.
Well, I'll come back later and try again. Sorry to bore you with administrivia, but hey -- it probably still beat whatever the hell else you were doing, eh? Unless you were having sex, maybe, or finding out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop. Or, perish the thought, both at once. You bastard. You lousy, horny, sticky, lucky bastard.
Anyway, until we lock horns again, happy Hump Day. Let's get this 'mark of the beast' post over with now, before one of our heads starts rotating around. I don't need that shit again. Peace.
Thanks for the thanks! If you ever head downunder I'd be glad to battle for the edgways word. You'de be welcome.
You are just too funny! You really do make me laugh. Keep up the good writing.