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Here we go again, friends. It's Friday, and that means it's time for another episode of 'Punchline Fever'. Some of you are old pros at this by now, but for you new folks, here are the rules in this little game:
1) I'll sit around, day and night, thinking of a short but flexible setup for a joke.
B) I'll post the best setup I can think of, but with a blank where the punchline should go.
iii) Then it's up to you to come up with your best line, and leave it in the comments, for all to snicker over.
That's all there is to it -- no hidden fees, no obligations, and no fine print to read. This week, I thought I'd extend the fun of one of the more popular recent posts around here, and have you guys and gals help me to teach yet another grammatical tutorial to the uneducated masses. So let's get to it -- these ABC's aren't gonna teach themselves, you know.
'But' is spelled with one 't',
Unless you smoke, or are crass;
And if you offer me your 'butt',
There you go, kiddos -- another dose of Friday fun, and this one's educational, too. And if you missed any previous Punchline Fever entries, then slide on over to the main Fever page and have at it. I've passed you the ball -- now go dunk that sucker, baby! Woo hoo! Happy Friday, everybody!
...I'll most certainly pass.