Charlie's Standup Comedy Journal
April 18, 2005: Six Minutes in the Backside
(And no, ya sickos -- the title is
not some sort of reference to what happens during gay 'Six-Minute Dating', nor is it the Jeopardy-style answer to the question, '
Just what exactly does dropping the soap in the prison shower get you, anyway?' Be good, dammit.)
Actually, the title refers to the time I spent onstage recently at the lovely and inviting Backside Tavern, down in Marshfield, Mass. It was my second trip there, and a great big bundle of good times. Chrissy, who runs the room, does a great job -- and usually brings most of the audience along with her. Also, on this night, my friend
Jenn was hosting, and several comedical-type buddies also performed that night.
(And hung around the bar afterward, trading stories and zingers that would make your toe hairs curl. You think comics get raunchy and ridiculous onstage? Try hanging out with a few over a couple of beers. It's hilarious, but probably hazardous to your health. I'm guessing that hearing any joke that involves 'fish sperm in a blender' or the 'ass-twat' of another comedian -- or, ye gods forbid,
both -- takes a couple of weeks off your life. Which means I'll be dead before I'm forty. Suddenly, the trade-off seems not so worth it. Damn.)
Anyway, on this particular night, the Backside crowd was a little sparse, but it was a fun night, nonetheless. Most of the fun happens
off-camera, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Meanwhile, though, I did get to try a couple of new jokes onstage -- and they left a few of the lights on this time, so I can actually almost be
seen on the tape -- so there's always that to enjoy. Or to curl your toe hairs, depending on exactly how flappable you happen to be. But I
swear I don't say 'ass-twat', or mention 'fish sperm'
or 'a blender' during this set.
Other sorts of sperm, and non-blendery kitchen appliances... well, I'm not making any promises there. After all, this
is comedy, right?
Download Clip of 04/18/05 Set --
Backside Tavern, Marshfield, MA (5 minutes, 52 seconds):