Charlie's Standup Comedy Journal
November 18, 2004: A Studio Anniversary
Folks, it was a year and two days before this show that I
first took the comedy stage, also right here at the
Comedy Studio.
A lot has changed since then. I've done thirty-odd shows. I've written close to an hour's worth of material --
not all of it
usable ever again, mind you, but still, I wrote it. I can't take it back now.
In that time, I've been heckled, largely ignored, and -- all too rarely -- wildly cheered.
(Whoa... suddenly, this is starting to sound like my sex life. Damn. Focus, people. Focus.)
Mostly, though, in the past twelve months and couple of days, I've had a lot of fun. I probably could have done
more shows, and there are a few sets that I'm pretty sure I could have done
better, but it's all just a
bunch of baby steps toward... well, shit, toward
what, I'm not sure, exactly. But this show marks a years'
worth of getting there, so it deserves a mention. I guess that's all I'm saying.
And, to commemorate the occasion, I decided to trot out some new shit I've been working on. Looking back over the clip, I think the stuff's got 'potential'... but I'm not sure I was able to get enough 'oomph' behind it to
really sell it to that crowd.
(Where I mean 'crowd' in the loosest of terms. 'Basketball team' might be closer, or 'barbershop quartet'.
Still, the dozen or so people who
were there seemed to have a good time. And I've got
plenty of excuses in this case for the house not being
entirely rocked. Besides it being new stuff, this was also my third show in four days, which I've never tried before. And apparently, you've gotta work
up to shit like that -- my ass is
tired, dammit!)
Anyway, I had fun. I dig playing at the Studio, and there were a few friendly and familiar faces in the crowd,
so it was an all-around good time. Now I've just got to get the booker there, Rick, to have me back for the
next years' worth of shows. Let me at 'em, baby!
Download Clip of 11/18/04 Set --
Comedy Studio, Cambridge, MA (6 minutes, 42 seconds):