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You know, it's bad enough that songs often pop into my head, and I'm stuck humming or singing them all day, whether I want to or not.
But is it really fair that one of the 'heavy rotation' songs is that damned 'Monchichi -- Mon-chi-chi!' jingle from years and years ago?
Honestly, could I really have done something bad enough to deserve this? Isn't this shit saved for, like, baby seal clubbers and Charles Manson, and... I dunno, Fran Drescher, maybe? Have I really sunk so low?
That's all for now. Sorry if it's running through your head now, too. Welcome to my nightmare. 'Monchichi, Mon-chi-chi!'
I always have the song "I saw a witch doctor he told me what to do....he said: oh ee oh a a, bing bang waddle waddle bing bang"
Sing it with me now!!!
you have just officially made my day. For years i thought monchichi's were some crazy delusion of my childhood that didn't actually exist. Not a single person I know knows what I'm talking about whenever I have brought them up. Not that I talk about them frequently. It's usually in the context of "do you remember all those rediculous things we grew up with? Like GI Joes, Transformers, original Scooby Doo, etc..." Anyways, I don't really remember the song, but I do remember the doll and the cartoon.
Thanks for letting me know I didn't make them up.
you bastard.
*monchichi monchichi, oh so soft and cuddly, with their thumbs in their mouth, they're really neat!*
Every single day when I turn on the shower, the combination of the water hissing through the pipes and the shower head sputtering sounds exactly like the beginning of "Purple People Eater". So every day in the shower I bust out with, in my best Elvis voice, "Well I-ah saw this thing coming out of the sky - it had-ah one long horn with one big eye...." I even sing the high-pitched girlie bits where they go, "One EYE?!?"
I'm pretty sure I remember all of the words accurately, despite not having heard it in about twenty years and never being gruesome enough to google it.
I get the Monchici song stuck in my head, too, but I think I'm making up words, because right after the "monchici" part I say, "They came from outer space. They gonna slap you in the face."
(Another good one is the Electric Company song. The Electric Compane-eee-eee!)
i'm so glad i dont know that song. it cannot get into my head and drive me mad. long time, no visit. will come back soon and have a good look about.
I get the she-ra theme in my head. All the freaking time. Often I wander around, shrieking it to myself.
she-ra! she-ra! (da-dun dun dun DUM da-dun da-da dun dun) SHEEE-RAA!
But now it's a combination of She-ra and that damn Monchichi song. Whyyyy???
Reminds me of a girl from high school.
I hate Monchichis... As much as I hate traffic...
Damned useless long term memory!
Filled with too much useless trivial crap.
Like that damned Monchichi jingle...
you guys are funny. my husband was trying to remind me of the monchichi song but i could not remember it. but i remember stupid things like, my buddy- my buddy- my buddy and meee, and the transformers song(why?) and the jem song. this one actually gets stuck in my head.
Dude! and Dudettes! Thanks a lot for oh so soft and cuddly thougts of those Monchichi monkey dolls. I just remember the commercial but not a cartoon. A cartoon? How much more torture can anyone and their minds take?
Wasn't that a doll in the 80's?